Saturday, February 19

Kenapa Harus Bertemu Lagi?

On the way nak beli nasi lemak.. (dlm kepala hanya ingat satu perkara, harus beli sebelum doremon start) :P Tibe tibe terjupe dia kat tepi jalan. Kalau dulu, yes it hurts bile memerhatikan dia dr jauh but now, it feels like I have to do something to make things right before I go.. How can I say this, dah la sorang sorang mase tu. Automatic memori mase dulu terimbas semula. Kalau berjalan bersama dgn org lain, maybe tak rase sgt but yes, I was alone mase tu dan dia pun sorang2. It was like, 'the old us' bertemu semula at the same place, at the same time cuma a little tiny thing yg dah berubah. Hey! You don't have to be afraid.. You are always welcome into my life once again. Kan tu yg saye harap dari dulu, cuma belum masanya lagi. Should I start all over again?

I can see that in your eyes. I will be back, but just give me some more time. If God wills it, it will happen. :) We used to share many things, but I'm just afraid because, the person that is still live in your mind that looks just like me maybe are not live in reality anymore. So, please don't put any kind of hopes towards me anymore. Many things that I've been gone through for all these time. Btw, nice meeting you just now. Lupe nak tegur your new gadget tu. Seems like you love it so much! hey! benda tu duduk kat tmpt yg saye selalu duduk dulu! ahaha! :D

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