Saturday, February 19

Kenapa Harus Bertemu Lagi?

On the way nak beli nasi lemak.. (dlm kepala hanya ingat satu perkara, harus beli sebelum doremon start) :P Tibe tibe terjupe dia kat tepi jalan. Kalau dulu, yes it hurts bile memerhatikan dia dr jauh but now, it feels like I have to do something to make things right before I go.. How can I say this, dah la sorang sorang mase tu. Automatic memori mase dulu terimbas semula. Kalau berjalan bersama dgn org lain, maybe tak rase sgt but yes, I was alone mase tu dan dia pun sorang2. It was like, 'the old us' bertemu semula at the same place, at the same time cuma a little tiny thing yg dah berubah. Hey! You don't have to be afraid.. You are always welcome into my life once again. Kan tu yg saye harap dari dulu, cuma belum masanya lagi. Should I start all over again?

I can see that in your eyes. I will be back, but just give me some more time. If God wills it, it will happen. :) We used to share many things, but I'm just afraid because, the person that is still live in your mind that looks just like me maybe are not live in reality anymore. So, please don't put any kind of hopes towards me anymore. Many things that I've been gone through for all these time. Btw, nice meeting you just now. Lupe nak tegur your new gadget tu. Seems like you love it so much! hey! benda tu duduk kat tmpt yg saye selalu duduk dulu! ahaha! :D

Friday, February 18

DISSOLUTION.. dah dapat sijil.. yay!

kami dah pencen!hehe ^^

Inilah kami.....!!

After one year, finally saye da dpt sijil and it was over. :) Thank GOD everything went so well and we appreciate all of the people yg support us from the beginning till the end. Yang penting.. TAK LUPA DIRI.. ahaha! Nak tag kat FB, dah ade limit.. (sengal!) so, salurkan penghargaan through my blog pun oke. Seriously, tak sangka sgt ramai yg wish congrats and thank you. Terutama our good and close fren, thaqib yg byk support kami. Actually, bukan senang nak dpt support from these kind of people kan? Biasenye org mcm ni susah sgt nak sokong kami, dah la tuh lemparkan tuduhan bukan2. Tapi, thaqib? he is very supportive and always believe in whatever we do. We used to support each other and kesudahannya? kemanisan sama sama dirasai. Bukannya hanya JUDGE US THROUGH OUR PENAMPILAN AND THE WAY WE ACT. Thaqib should be a very good example to these kind of people yg suka JUDGE OTHER PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE WE DO NOT USUALLY WEAR SONGKOK ALL THE TIME. (jgn teraseeeeeee) hehe..

Ouh! and also thank you very much to my sweet little brothers yg always support saye walau mcm manepun keadaan melanda. Pojie! You are on of my little sunshine that will always spread your light if there is like no hope for the future. Sometimes I could feel like you are just so sweet and you were born to make people happy and be with them all the time. :) Thank you so much pojie.... Not forgetting, Zahin Aiman and Iskandar Zulkarnain..You guys are awesome! I mean, boleh mati perut meletup sebab banyak gelak if diorang berdua ni betul2 adik saye... XD~ HAHA! Seriously speaking, Is and EMAN (nama manje utk aiman) are my beautiful little brothers. They are not afraid to tell you that you are wrong and at the same time diorang still respect you no matter what. :)

TO ALL NEW APPOINTED SRC, nothing much to say.. cuma JANGAN LUPA BUMI DIPIJAK.. itu sahaja! what goes around comes around. Be positive. Learn from your mistakes. Jangan ingat dah ade kuasa tinggi menggunung kita dah cukup berkuasa and we can do everything without concern other people's feelings including your seniors or whoever they are. Jangan terlalu nakkan orang lain untuk faham kita. We have to take the first step to understand them. Diatas kertas, yes you are the V.I.P for the students but in reality you are holding their hopes and you are their servants. I used to hold this words which are, tinggi mana pun kedudukan kita jangan sekali kali lupa mereka yg byk membantu dan jangan sekali kali bangga diri serta lupa diri. Thats the key.. :)

Finally, time kaseh juge kpd abg2ku dan kakak2ku, kak ruby, kak put, kak marsha, abg long, abg addam, abg ismadi, abg aie comel (perlula!), kak sha (harus dulukan nama abg aie), kak syu, kak nik, kak gha, kak yasmin, sir fizan, sir fazil, mdm iman, mdm carol, mdm wan zainira, mdm noraini, mdm safwati, mdm suhana, kawan2 kakak2 dan abg2 senior saye, lecturers dan semuanya sekali yg byk menyokong saye dan kwn2 saye sepanjang kami bergelumang dlm dunia SRC ni.. Saya sgt menghargainya because you guys are the magnitude of what I've become.. :)


Wednesday, February 16

banyak hal - letih - lupa diri - O.o

BANYAK HAL: Minggu ni ntah tibe tibe banyak lak hal yg dtg menyibuk. Masalah dalaman la, masalah perasaan la, masalah itu la ini la.. ouh! akibatnya kurang selera makan (leh caye kew) ahaha!!^^ Betul la! Selera makan agak berkurangan.. *yay me! boleh kurus! ~ drama..

LETIH: ouh.. letih fikir fasal BC FAIR yg kejap ade kejap takde. Sengal kan? tibe tibe nak buat bulan 3! Kalu nak buat tu buat je la, tak perlu nak tangguh. Ingat kami ni masing2 banyak sgt ke mase terluang nak hadap BC tu. Daripada dok hadap BC baik pi tgk wayang. :P Yang menyampah tu, bebudak section lain. Lagi sengal! Tergedik nak bersuka ria mase BC! Siap vote ramai2. Ade jugak yang nak kena santau dgn saya ni! Bengong la korang. Saya dah la final sem, nak final exam. Perlu tumpu byk perhatian pade study at the same time. Bukannya dok bersuka ria ntah apa2! huh! (tetibe emo)

LUPA DIRI: Ntah kenapa HARUS berdepan dgn mereka yang lupa diri. Sepanjang saya hidup, saya paling tak suka dengan manusia yang LUPA DIRI dan TAK KENANG BUDI. Hello, korang tu baru naik, (biasela budak baru nak kecap glamour) KONON! Kalau bukan kerana ADHAM AFANDI yang highlight nama sorang sorang, korang tu berkubur dalam tanah jew tau. Jangan harap lah! Nasib baik saya baik.. (ewah!) Tak sampai 2 - 3 bulan, masing2 dah besar kepala dan lupa diri. Saya nak cakap satu jew, MENYESAL SAYA HIGHLIGHT DIORANG DULU. full stop!

O.o: Ouh! masalah peribadi.. uhuk2.. Mcm mana mau ckp ni? ah! anggap saje dah selesai. So, tak payah nak berat kepala fikir. Ha! saya sudah dapatkan Management Diary 2011. Senang nak urus jadual harian yg kian sibuk.. :)

xoxo: adham afandi

Monday, February 14

borak @ lepak @ gelak.. *i'm luvin it!

MNH.. Ini lah MNH kalau nak tau.. haha
( kenapa muke mcm tu ? ) =_____='
Ini lah akibatnye pic candid.. ahaha!


seriously, tak tau apa yg diorang ketawakan.. hahah!
Tieha tgh ketawa tak hengat dunia.. :P

SIAPAKAH si misteri ini?
It's DD!! My lovely SISTER! :) Luv u DD!!

Sunday, February 13

nak diet? JAUHI INI (!)

ahahaha!! suke part ni.. mkn chicken chop @ secret garden! pergh! best kowt~! dah la (murah), mudah didapati.. oleh itu selalulah bertemu dgnnya.. nak kurus? J.A.U.H.I beliau.. haha! Ouh. Semalam gi mkn kat secret garden dgn MNH. huu~ Ajak Tieha sekali, tapi time tu kitorang dah sampai, takkan dia nak jalan sorang. Ok, fine.. bhaha!

nie lagi satu..

perggh! fav! nasi goreng cili api.. ahaha! secret garden terbaek lorh. Sume makanan mmg best. mantOp! I loike~
(akibatnya bdn mengembang mcm yeast ) =__='

127Hours vs Terima Kasih Cinta

OMG (!)OMG(!) 127 HOURS !!
HEHEHE.. feels like dying~ baru dgr promo dkt tadi. Mcm best! Ouh! ade contest tau. Leh dpt free tickets! haha! Teringat time menang free tickets Harry Potter #6 dulu. *WOW* mulut ternganga after diumumkan as a winner ! terus tergedik2 mcm ape jew lagi mase tu. hehe... Ouh! I have to win. hwaaiiitttiiinn!

Lagi satu! Nak menggedik tgk 'TERIMA KASIH CINTA'.. uhuk2.. Mcm best (bukan mcm best, mmg best pun!) haha.. plan nak tgk dgn Tieha and Achik. Ouh, tapi belum sure lagi. Yolarrh~ harga barang naik --- harga makanan naik ---- duit abes = dok umah (membuta) ahaha! btw, harus tonton 127 hours ! o~ yeah! ahahah!! :)

teatime @ secret recipe ..

all the cakes, and ice creams.. ouh ! sgt menggemukkan.. =__='